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A Parent + Teacher Blog: The Teachable Tutor's Thoughts

Writer's picture: ms. nwakaego nwaifejokwums. nwakaego nwaifejokwu

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

Volume 1 Issue 0

Year 2022


👋🏾Hi and welcome to my blog page! I am a NYC educator and a single parent, who wants to help other parents as well as educators win. Who doesn't want to see their children or students succeed?1 I'll be giving my readers tips, tricks and ideas on the 'how to's' of parenting and teaching. I have over 18 years of teaching experience to share with you.

I will be covering the topics of: education, teaching, tutoring, homeschooling, parenting and more

"EDUCATION is not a preparation for life, education is LIFE itself."

Using my experiences as a mom and educator, I will offer research based ideas of how to effectively educate your children at home or in a school setting.

"TEACHING is the profession that teaches all other professions."

As a teacher, I have a wealth of teaching tips, tricks and strategies to share, on how to academically engage students.

"TUTORING is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."

Learn about the benefits of tutoring for children attending homeschools, public or private schools.

"PARENTING is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do."

Let me do the work for you by researching and sharing great ideas, tips and advice to support your parenting needs.

"HOMESCHOOLING allows you the freedom to step off the highway of learning and take a more scenic route along a dirt road"

Get the support you need to create a

homeschooling experience that promotes

and supports excellence in your children.

Follow and subscribe to get the latest blogs with the tips, tricks, ideas and advise you need as a parent or an educator.

'Parents and teachers all have the same goal, to make kids' lives better.'


Contact today for a consultation. Remote tutoring available.

Contact today for a consultation. In-person tutoring available. NYC location

The Teachable Tutor aka

Ms. Nwaifejokwu

Author, Educator, Entrepreneur, and Mom

"Teaching is a priceless gift to any determined learner. Good teachers are therefore priceless gifts to eager learners."

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