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3 Reasons Why Your Child's Language Is Delayed

Volume 2 Issue 5

January 7, 2023

"The Child Begins To Perceive The World Not Only Through His Eyes But Also Through His Speech."

Lev Vygotsky

Are you noticing that your child is not speaking yet? Or is he not responding to your words? There might be numerous reasons why your child might have a speech delay or problem with processing language. In this blog we will focus on 3 potential reasons. Learn what you can do today to help your child.

Here's one reason....

Are you rushing often? Feeling overwhelmed? Parenting is not an easy job. There is so much to do. You may feel like there is not enough time. As we rush through the day, we might find that our speech is equally rushed. For some young children with language delays hurried speech will contribute to the overall delay.


Here is what parents can do:

-Initially use less language, start with one word at a time or short phrases

-Be intentional, focus on key words that are essential for your child to understand and to use

-Slow down when speaking, so that each word is clearly heard when spoken.

-Take your time, pausing to allow your child to process language

-use eye contact, make sure you are looking at your child's face and that your child is looking back

-be animated, use a playful and singsong voice

-use gestures, speak using your hands as you say key words

Here's a second reason...

Are you too busy to read with your child? In today's world most people generally feel that they do not have the time to read. Some of us cannot remember the last time we picked up a book. However, research states that early literacy is a key ingredient to language development in children.


Here is what parents can do

- Start with 10 minutes a day, find a time to squeeze in a little bit of reading with your child

- Just focus on the pictures, verbally describe, label and point out the details in the book's illustration to your child

- Use interactive books, allow your child to independently explore and listen to the book's narration

- Provide choice of books, offer a variety of books to allow exposure to rich, diverse and complex vocabulary

A third reason is...

Is your child very dependent? Perhaps you are you doing many things for your child that your child could be doing independently. Maybe your child might be easily frustrated when trying to communicate their needs.


Here is what parents can do

-Encourage your child to be involved, provide choice where possible use language to describe each item and patiently wait for a response (for example which cookie do you want , the Oreo or chocolate chip? Or ask your child which tee shirt do you want to wear, the red one or the green one? )

-Give your child responsibility, allow your child to consistently do a task be sure to clearly label and identify the specific action(ex. at the end of snack time your child can put their own juice box in the trash, allow your child to help with laundry by sorting by color or taking the grocery out of the shopping bag)

-Have a basic routine for your child, this consistency will nurture confidence and independence (as your child knows what to expect he or she will also be able to learn and to eventually use the predictable embedded language within the routine).

With a little tweak in your daily routine, you can encourage the development of language in your child. Slowing down and being intentional with your interaction with your child can make a huge difference. Your child's speech should develop as you increase their exposure to language throughout their day. Try out some of these tips for a few weeks then evaluate to see what can be added or changed. It is always important to talk with a medical professional if you believe your child has a severe language delay.


"The limits of my language, are the limits of my world”

😊 Ludwig Wittgenstein

Give your child the support that they need to help them bloom and blossom!



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Ms. Nwakaego Nwaifejokwu

Author, Educator, Entrepreneur, and Mom

"Teaching is a priceless gift to any determined learner. Good teachers are therefore priceless gifts to eager learners."

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